Religious Education


In our schools our teaching and learning in RE is underpinned by our Vision and Values and our aspiration that every learner 'may have life, and have it to the full' - John 10:10

We grow thoughtful and respectful learners in RE who are able to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religions and beliefs.   Our children are able to recognise and act on the insights, principles, beliefs, attitudes and values that influence, inspire and guide them in life.

We are committed to a high quality, transformative religious education in our schools. This is detailed in A Statement of Entitlement and our RE Policy

RE is an academic subject but also provides opportunity for children to understand what it means to be a religious believer in the world today and to encounter the values of the Christian community of the school that they are a part of.

Pupils will have opportunities to:

  • Learn about and from the life, teaching and example of Jesus Christ through the gospels
  • Explore and discover Christianity locally, nationally and globally
  • Recognise and learn from diversity within Christianity
  • See the Christian faith in the context of religious diversity, learning about and from other major religions and beliefs in the UK
  • Face the challenges of diversity with respect

As Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary Schools, we follow the Syllabus provided by the Diocese of York.

In our schools this is organised into our Long Term Plan over a 2 year rolling programme for Key Stage 1 and a 4 year rolling programme for Key Stage 2.  This ensures that, in our mixed age classes, children are able to access a broad and balanced RE curriculum whilst building their knowledge and understanding through a spiral curriculum approach.

In our federation, we want everyone to feel included and enabled to be successful in their learning.  Please find a summary of some of our adaptive teaching strategies for Religious Education HERE.

Each unit of work is organised through our Subject Knowledge Organisers which you can find below. These build up over time and will be added termly.


Subject Knowledge Organisers – Spring Term 2024

Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Subject Knowledge Organisers – Autumn Term 2023

Year 1/2

Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Subject Knowledge Organisers – Summer Term 2023

Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Subject Knowledge Organisers – Spring Term 2023

Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Subject Knowledge Organisers – Autumn Term 2022


 Year 3/4 


Subject Knowledge Organisers – Summer Term 2022

Year 1/2 

Year 3/4 

Year 5/6 







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