
Homework Planner

Infant Planner


Minimum of 3x weekly with a parent/carer recorded in the reading record book.


Reception – Read Write Inc. Phonic Work

Y1/2 – Read Write Inc. Words  - learn for Friday


Y1/2 this is an optional homework book which matches the scheme that the children use in school.  Parents are welcome to work through it with their children in their own time

Junior Planner


Minimum of 3x weekly with a parent/carer. 

Please note that junior children are expected to complete the comments box in their record book with their thoughts about the text.


Read Write Inc. Spellings are given on a Friday to write into a sentence and learn the word.  To be returned the following week by Friday at the latest.


Times tables - learn for Friday




Given on a Friday to be returned by the following Friday

This task should take no longer than 30 minutes


Year 6

In January Year 6 are issued with support books to help them prepare and revise for their end of year tests.  Our suggestion is a page a night.



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