Homework- Danby

  Homework Planner

Infant Planner


Minimum of 3x weekly with a parent/carer recorded in the reading record book.


Reception – Read Write Inc. Phonic Work

Y1/2 – Read Write Inc. Words  - learn for Friday


Year 2 children have a Times Tables Book to support them in their learning and preparations for joining Year 3

Junior Planner


Minimum of 3x weekly with a parent/carer. 

Please note that junior children are expected to complete the comments box in their record book with their thoughts about the text.


Read Write Inc. Spellings are given on a Friday to write into a sentence and learn the word.  To be returned the following week by Friday at the latest.


Times tables - learn for Friday




Given on a Friday to be returned by the following Friday

This task should take no longer than 30 minutes


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