As stated in our VISION STATEMENT, supporting our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is just as important as supporting them in their learning to enable them to 'live life to the full'.
We are an inclusive Federation and we welcome children of all abilities into our schools. If you have a child who has a disability or particular needs do come and talk to us as we will want to work in close partnership with you to make the best decisions for your child.
Our Special Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Liz Orland, Headteacher
Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Polly Wright
Every Local Authority is required to publish information about services that are available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and also services outside the area that children and young people can use. This is known as the Local Offer.
Information on North Yorkshire County Council's local offer can be found by clicking this link:North Yorkshire Council - SEND - Local Offer
All schools are required to complete an SEND Information Report that will contribute to the local offer and briefly detail the school’s provision. This is contained in the document below
Further advice and support for parents and carers can be found on the following website